BLACKSAD: Under the Skin, il titolo è ora in arrivo il 5 novembre su Nintendo Switch

Poche ore fa è emersa la data di uscita ufficiale di BLACKSAD: Under the Skin, disponibile a novembre anche su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo adventure narrativo creato da Juan Díaz Canales e Juanjo Guarnido e pubblicato da Dargaud, sarà disponibile anche grazie a Microids, sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch il prossimo 5 novembre 2019

Potete trovare l’annuncio ufficiale, in calce all’articolo.

Unveiling Blacksad: Under the Skin making of part 1!

And a new release date.

Watch the making of HERE


Paris – July 22nd 2019 – Microids and Pendulo Studios unveil today the first part of Blacksad: Under the Skin making of, a video dedicated to the transition from comic book to video game.

This video series shot during the development of the game will introduce viewers to the team behind the video game but also both the writer and the artist behind the original Blacksad comic book: Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido.

Dive headfirst in the Blacksad 50’s film noir universe to learn how Pendulo Studios managed to give birth to this comic book masterpiece and how this original adventure came to fruition.

Discover unreleased documents, exclusive images of the characters’ creation and meet the international crew working on the project.

We hope that fans and newcomers alike will enjoy this sneak peak behind the curtain bringing them at the center of Blacksad: Under the Skin’s creative process!

The second episode will be released in a few weeks so stay tuned!


John Blacksad’s investigation is now set to start on the 5th of November 2019. The team will use this extra time to polish the game with only one goal in mind: deliver the best possible experience to our players!


About Blacksad: Under the Skin

The 50s, New York City: Joe Dunn, owner of a boxing club, is found dead. Meanwhile, rising star Bobby Yale, due to take to the ring for the most important fight of his career, has mysteriously disappeared. Sonia Dunn, Joe’s daughter, takes over the gym and must deal with its financial woes. She hires private detective John Blacksad to investigate Yale’s disappearance. The highly anticipated boxing match of the year is drawing closer and the club’s finances would not survive a no show from Bobby Yale. During its investigation, John Blacksad will find himself swimming with sharks in a universe where corruption is everywhere.

Blacksad: Under the Skin will be released the 5th of November

on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC and Mac.

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